Sunday, January 20, 2013

2013 Jan 20, Sunday (First Real train Ride & Mom's Birthday Celebration)

Mom, Dad, & Katie; Matt & Dawn Boatman; Matt & Enrica Malone; Mimi Hopkins; and Tom, Ali, & Reagan Hooper all met up at El Adobe de Capistrano restaurant in San Juan Capistrano to celebrate Ali and Karen's birthdays.  The Dwyers, Boatmans, and Malones took the train up.  It was Katie's first ride on a real train.  Below, Katie on the train:

Outside El Adobe de Capistrano restaurant in San Juan Capistrano:

Matt Boatman taught Reagan and Katie how to hold liquid in your straw and drop it somewhere else.  Katie was very impressed.

Being silly with Dad:

Fighting with Dad over bacon 101 Dalmations style:
El Adobe de Capistrano used to be the San Juan Capistrano city jail.  Katie and her cousin Reagan are down in the old jail cell that is now a wine cellar:
Katie with her Aunt Ali Hopkins:

Another last shot of everyone. El Adobe de Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, California, 2013-1-20, 3:00 PM.

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